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 External belt driven waterpump

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stagdad Posted - 02/10/2010 : 13:37:11
Thought i would show you what i did when my water pump failed.I took my pump out because it was leaking and i'm glad i did because the teeth were rasor sharp where they were wearing on the jackshaft and the shaft of the pump was eaten away where it is supposed to meet the seal.

So i replaced the pump with a bung that i had made.

And set about finding a pump that would fit where the altenator used to sit as i have moved mine to here

I found a pump off a Ford Essex V6 fitted the space quite well

After many hours of trial fitting i ended up with brackets and adaptors made to fit it all together

Once mounted adapted the hoses to work in exactly the same way as the standard set up so the heater works realy well and heats up quickly

In this pic the fan is just placed there and is obviusly the wrong way around.

So there you have it,It works really well and overheating and pump worries are a thing of the past.Another advantage is that it's new possition is very low in the system so it should never run dry which can happen with the original set up.
Here's a quick video of it in action
Cheers Steve
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tizer Posted - 27/01/2015 : 19:13:51
hi just wondered if it was difficult job to do and were did you get your pump from regards TIZER


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