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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pjmonat Posted - 20/02/2010 : 13:56:25
I have just purchased a '71 stag here in the states and HOPE I will find it to be worthy of work. It cost me $1500 and has everything there. The engine ran when it was stored in a garage 7 years ago and has 43880 miles on it. The engine is now seized and I intend to rebuild it properly. I am the only person in Massachusetts ever to register 2 Stags over the past 25 years in the state and this will make it 3! I love my wife... :-)
I hope things will work out for it and we get another Stag on the road here to be proud of

Warmest from a StagMasochist.....


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lewy Posted - 03/05/2010 : 09:20:41
Hello Wild Paul

3 Stags is enough to make anyone jealous!

Welcome to the forum!


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