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T O P I C    R E V I E W
piscean57 Posted - 27/09/2010 : 14:13:42
Hello all. After some time waiting, my authorisation link arrived today so here I am saying hello.

I am a member of the SOC and a regular now on that forum, so expect I will recognise some of the names here in due course.

Here's a picture of mine which is a late 74 car running with a RV8. The PO had a full restoration done in 2001 by E Ward and Faversham's and it's been off the road since 2002.I bought it a few weeks ago and have so far cut back the paint and repolished. It is going to my local garage on Friday to get it running and then MOT's 0 I will soon find out how well I bought!

^^^ Taken this weekend after I had cut and polished the whole nearside and the off-side of the bonnet.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stagdad Posted - 26/11/2010 : 18:44:00
Originally posted by jakesmig

Nice looking car. I've got a 3.5 rover v8 in mine with a large pancake filter on an Edelbrok 500cfm carb. I was advised by RPI Engineering that the filter is too much and affects torque at low / mid rpm. They advise blocking off 70 / 80 % using gaffer tape or simmilar would improve matters & they were right.
so maybe big is not always best.

Interesting point Steve

kazerella Posted - 22/11/2010 : 16:26:43
Originally posted by dasadrew

Originally posted by kazerella

We need some conversation starters

Is there a StagMad magazine available?

No, not yet anyway
jakesmig Posted - 17/11/2010 : 20:57:01
Nice looking car. I've got a 3.5 rover v8 in mine with a large pancake filter on an Edelbrok 500cfm carb. I was advised by RPI Engineering that the filter is too much and affects torque at low / mid rpm. They advise blocking off 70 / 80 % using gaffer tape or simmilar would improve matters & they were right.
I'm currently fitting a Rover 3900 V8 with fuel injection & the inlet on it is 75mm diameter' as si the recommended filter, so maybe big is not always best.
dasadrew Posted - 13/11/2010 : 18:02:10
Originally posted by kazerella

We need some conversation starters

Is there a StagMad magazine available?
kazerella Posted - 09/11/2010 : 09:59:17
We need some conversation starters
V Mad Posted - 01/11/2010 : 17:22:22
A guy could fall asleep here zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

nitronig Posted - 30/10/2010 : 09:32:08
nice looking stag. is everyone moving over?

nigel short
MartinX Posted - 09/10/2010 : 09:58:47
So how'd the MOT go? You all road legal now and enjoying the last days of summer?

kazerella Posted - 06/10/2010 : 13:07:39
Wow love the colour!

Welcome to the forum
lewy Posted - 05/10/2010 : 15:08:41
Welcome to the forum - Sorry on the delay of the authorisation link, been dead busy... "My Fault".

Looks like we're finally getting busy around here. recognise a few names from the SOC forum!

Glad to have you here!

Great looking Stag piscean57 doesn't look like it's been sat for any length of time at all!


The Stag Mad Team
Stagdad Posted - 29/09/2010 : 20:32:16
Welcome Piscean 57 fancy seeing you here

MartinX Posted - 28/09/2010 : 21:05:37
Looks nice- has it been wrapped in cotton wool since 2002?
Good luck with the MOT - I've found a local garage that seems to have an understanding of the older car due to my wife's '89 Porsche 944 - so had a chat with him about the Stag, so will take mine there (eventually) but not expecting an easy ride.
Let us know how you get on!


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