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T O P I C    R E V I E W
V Mad Posted - 01/10/2010 : 22:09:25
Hi guys. New to this forum, but well known on another. I recognise some others on here too.

My main interest is helping others with technical enquiries, and developing special kits to improve the stag. I also do quite a lot of specialist stag work (hoods, trim etc). Just ask if you want to know more or need anything.

I would like to post some classifieds for my kits if that is permitted here Lewy?


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rush Posted - 17/10/2010 : 23:21:15
Chris has worked on my Stag in the past, Top man for his workmanship.

kazerella Posted - 06/10/2010 : 13:06:52
Welcome to the forum V Mad
lewy Posted - 05/10/2010 : 15:28:36
Most definitely permitted Chris!

It could help everyone if you do!

As long as posts aren't all over the place and are in the relevant section then you're not annoying anyone... plus I'd like to get a move on with sorting my own Stag out and want to see what you've got

Welcome to the forum!
Looking forward to seeing these kits, and of course borrowing some of your knowledge of where to start on my stag


The Stag Mad Team
V Mad Posted - 02/10/2010 : 18:08:50
Thanks Steve. Now I have spent some time here I see you are here too, and moderator. keep up the good work

Stagdad Posted - 02/10/2010 : 14:47:15
Hi Chris and welcome to the forum,Need to sign up to Photobucket or similar to post pics on here but it's easy enough.

Cheers Steve

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