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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rob Posted - 22/12/2010 : 17:28:37
hello and good evening to you all.
Just joined the forum as i've just aquired a stag and i'll be neededing as much help as possible with it.
I'll put some pics up tommorow but lets just say, it needs work doing to it.
I was given it free of charge by my next door neighboor , he has had it parked in a field next to our house for sixteen yearsnow which should give you some idea of the job ahead.
on a plus note , its an "s" reg stag and the front bumper is in really good condition with very little, if any rust on it, which is more than i can say about the rest. It is a soft top but has a hard top with it (never used and in his garage)from what my neigboor says
Anway, its good to be here and hope to be chatting with you all shortly.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rob Posted - 24/12/2010 : 20:33:06
just sent you it manually steve.
Stagdad Posted - 24/12/2010 : 11:38:38
Not sure ,I just clicked on your user name and did the email option.Send me one back to

Cheers Steve

rob Posted - 24/12/2010 : 10:53:08
nothing yet steve, do you the correct email details, if not i'll forward them onto you.
Stagdad Posted - 24/12/2010 : 10:18:57
Email sent Rob ,let me know if you don't get it.

Cheers Steve

Stagdad Posted - 24/12/2010 : 09:39:03
OK Rob ,I'll see if I can find his details.

Cheers Steve

rob Posted - 23/12/2010 : 22:07:01
thanks for the info steve,
I really like to find out who that guy is as i live only a couple miles from worplesdon.
theres nothing like having an expert on your doorstep.
I still need to get the car moved from the nextdoor field around to my side, sounds easy but its allmost sunk in the ground and the wheels are half way covered in soil.
I may just have to get round there with a spade and my 4x4 tractor and pull it out.

if you have any contact details for the guy, i would appreciate any that you can pass my way.

Stagdad Posted - 23/12/2010 : 19:37:36
Yeh I think you will need to mig it,I'm in Bracknell so if you need a look over it I could pop over.There are plenty of stag owners around Surrey in fact I know of a very knowledgeable guy just outside Guildford (Worplesdon) who has a whole bunch of Triumphs including a stag he is rebuilding.

Cheers Steve

rob Posted - 23/12/2010 : 17:35:59
hi steve, thanks for the reply.
I'm just outside guildford in surrey, i'm pretty handy with arc welding but never tried mig , looks like now is a good time to start.
I'm taking some pics in the morning, if i can clear all the undergrowth off it, there are brambles 8ft tall along with bracken and god knows what else over the whole car..

Stagdad Posted - 23/12/2010 : 16:39:59
Welcome Rob,I would like to see pics of your new toy,sounds like you have quite a job on your hands.I take it you are handy with a mig.Where abouts are you?

Cheers Steve

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