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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TeeCee Posted - 03/04/2009 : 01:07:01
Hello guys, I would like to say hello to all. I have been forced to use my Stag a tad earlier than I wanted to as I killed the actuator on my Alfa 156 Selespeed after a 7 year budget rebuild, so I am now on "SHAKEDOWN". A few job to do but its nice to be listening to the exhaust note, but it's very strange driving an old car again. I shall post some pictures asap. Peace and love

Tee Cee
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TeeCee Posted - 06/04/2009 : 22:43:29
Hi Stagdad, figured out how to post the pictures now, so I will take some new ones of the car and post them ASAP.

Tee Cee
Stagdad Posted - 06/04/2009 : 19:48:55
Hi Tee Cee ,and welcome
how are the pictures coming


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