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 petrol leaking into air filter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
airevalley Posted - 12/04/2009 : 17:40:48
hi all
spent two years rebuilding my stag , , nearly finished so i thought i'd give it a run round the block , managed it fine only a couple of misfires , bought it back to garage checked under bonnet and to my dismay petrol leaking from the right hand carb .
I removed the air filter and there's petrol all in the inlet manifold , i turned the ignition on and as the fuel pump runs it pours petrol out of the breather pipe into the air cleaner .
Has anyone any ideas ?
I have removed the ofending carb thinking the float had stuck but thats o.k
I'm sure i am mising somthing obvious so i thought i'd ask .
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TeeCee Posted - 21/04/2009 : 01:40:21
Hi, what you will find is that the needle valve is stuck with old fuel that has gone off and sticky. You should get away with soaking it with carb cleaner and give it a good blow through. Also worth doing the other card and the pick up pipe in the tank as well.

Tee Cee

Tee Cee

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