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 Hello from Brisbane, Australia

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stagowner Posted - 15/04/2009 : 13:36:13
Just introducing myself. I am restoring my second Stag. It's a strip and rebuild job rather than a rolling restoration. Perhaps the latter is the better option but this way every component gets a thorough inspection - and probably gets replaced anyway.
A friend stated, after I gave him a drive of my previous Stag, "There should be a way to inject this feeling directly into your bloodstream."
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chris3.0 Posted - 19/04/2009 : 12:24:24
Hi Stagowner, good to see a fellow aussie on the forum. Look forward to some resto photos. With a climate like Brisbane has, you must be itching to get it on the road for a bit of top down motoring.

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