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 V Mad's Kits

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
V Mad Posted - 09/10/2010 : 21:58:06
I design and make kits for making the stag more reliable and driveable. These include the Twin-choke Weber carburettor and the Header Tank kits.

This currently sells for £135 and includes all the parts you should need. Installation take only an hour.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lewy Posted - 20/10/2010 : 15:05:09
Looking good!

The Stag Mad Team
V Mad Posted - 09/10/2010 : 22:09:13
Here is the Weber Carb Kit.
This is a bolt-on kit which contains all you should need, and takes just 1-2 hours to fit. It sells from £399 with basic air filter. A typical kit with 14x3 inch chrome filter sells for £425.


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