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 Just seen this on the SOC Forum!!! and yes WOW!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lewy Posted - 27/02/2009 : 11:16:33

I wish I could get up to this standard with mine


The Stag Mad Team
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Olgierd Posted - 27/04/2009 : 11:11:49
Hello Everybody,

I have just joined in this forum as Stag impressed me. The beauty of this car encouraged me to buy one. Unfortunately I can not afford to purchase just another toy (I own one old car which is now being sorted out) so my Stag would need to be utilised on daily basis (about 20 miles driving – mainly in countryside – no traffic jams etc…). My knowledge concerning cars is extremely limited (the old car which I own is sorted out by professional mechanics with very substantial support of my Dad who manages the entire process and knows this model of car extremely well) so if it was possible would like to find out some information about the realism and general sense of having Stag as a sort of main car (however I would not be a typical owner as live on the suburbs of Reading and work in a little village located about 7-10 miles from home and mainly need a vehicle to get the office). Stag looks so stunning that prefer it than a modern car (the price appears to be similar for a new ugly but relatively reliable car and a beautiful old Triumph). Frankly speaking I avoid driving as much as I can – prefer cycling or walking but on the other hands from time to time just need a vehicle. So why not Stag?

Many thanks in advance for any potential remarks related with the idea of using Stag as a sort of main car which would be utilised in very limited way.

Ash Posted - 03/03/2009 : 18:25:23
And I thought I had spent too much on mine,you would be afraid to ever use this.
chris3.0 Posted - 01/03/2009 : 14:03:55
It certainly is a stunning car, but I reckon you would be scared to drive it, in case you got a stone chip or a scratch on it.(But I still wish mine was this good!)

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