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 Stag cuts out every now and then

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
wilsop5 Posted - 06/03/2010 : 15:56:28
Hi there,

I'm new to the Forum and hope someone can help. We have an (ageing) Stag which has developed an occasional problem. It cuts out every now and then on a journey - usually in the wet by blowing the Overdrive fuse. I'm guessing I have a short going on somewhere in the Ignition system but I've checked the wiring as much as I can by 'twiddling' the wires to try and encourage the fuse to blow and nothing wrong. I've checked primarily around the gearstick and overdrive switch and also underneath the car to the Starter Motor. Because it happens mostly in the wet, I thought it might be a wire underneath, maybe to or from the Starter Motor but, again, no problem when fiddling with the wires. However, whilst looking things over again today I noticed that the Battery Control fuse had also blown. Now it may be that this fuse has been blown for quite a while as I know I haven't replaced it recently. Now, as a long-shot I know, could it be that the Battery Control fuse somehow regulates power through the system and therefore putting more power through the Overdrive Fuse, causing it to blow? Probably a stupid thing to suggest but I cannot find what else it could be? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
V Mad Posted - 01/10/2010 : 22:24:11
All stags are ageing; some better than others though :)
If the engine cuts out it's nothing to do with the fuses (the ignition circuit is not fused). Have you clenaed up your inertia switch, that can fail and cut off the fuel pump. If battery control fuse was blown that seems odd; how come you didnt notice lots of things were not working?

wilsop5 Posted - 08/03/2010 : 12:35:18
Doesn't this forum get used much? I was rather hoping for someone to reply by now. I use the Marcos forum and get responses within the day, sometimes within a couple of hours if I time it right. Someone must be able to help on this? Appreciate anyone's help. Thanks

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