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 stag restoration , yes or no!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rob Posted - 24/12/2010 : 20:56:00
hi guys
my first general posting here now after the intros, and my question is this, is this stag really worth restoring or should i just walk away from it all.
as briefly mentioned in the intro's section, I've been given this stag from my neigboor, and it's looking to be a bit of a mamouth task to be honest.
I've not tried moving it yet but i suspect after being sat in this field for 16 years it wont shift without a fight.
Its a mk2 1977/8 "S" reg, manual, in forest green.
On the plus side there are a lot of parts that are good, bumpers chrome plate etc. The interior is needing total and i do mean "total" restoration. there is major rust eating through the floor pan,(nothing left under the seats) nearside wings and doors. no sills are left.
the boot and bonnet lids are pretty good and will not need replacing, spare wheel well has disintegrated and the wheel is on the ground, as is the whole bottom of the chassis so i cant really say whats going on underneath at this stage.
Allthought the exhaust rear end looks to be good , cant get into the engine bay as yet.
What i do find very sad is that such a nice car has been left to just decay in a field, no covers , just open to mother nature to take its toll.

It was just parked in this field , the keys left in the ignition and forgotten about.

with 10k on the clock it was only just run-in.
So there we have it, its cost me nothing, and will cost me nothing to move it either,i can do 90% pof the work also and with silly low milage ,but with major restoration needed in all areas is this really worth doing, i'm just not sure to be honest.

any thoughts and replies would be really great.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
V Mad Posted - 31/12/2010 : 17:39:10
It's always sad when this happens to a great car like the stag, but you have to be realistic; restoring something with major body rot will be a huge job, and even if you do all the work yourself, it will still cost a lot. There are plenty of reasonable stags on the market which would make ideal restoration projects. But its your decision, do what you feel is right for you.

Chris (Surrey KT area, UK)
Stag 1978 Auto; Twin Weber, Custom Header tank.
Sunbeam Tiger 260 V8. 1965

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