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 Rear seat belts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TeeCee Posted - 16/03/2009 : 22:57:53
Has any one fitted 3 point rear belts to their Stag or do they know anybody that has?. I have a set of belts for my car, but would like to know were to fit the 3rd point, suspect it would be very near the shock turrent. Thanks Tee.

Tee Cee
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TeeCee Posted - 03/04/2009 : 00:43:30
Thats a great help, thanks a milion. I made my holes almost directly behind the shock absorber. I will try to mount the reels in the back using the holes I made, and if it does not work I will mount them in the same position as yours.

Tee Cee
The Honourable Crichton Posted - 02/04/2009 : 18:32:40

Java is the only way...
TeeCee Posted - 01/04/2009 : 17:45:52
Thanks for the reply, is their any chance of a picture? I have put my reels on the wheel arch and find it a pain to pull out, so I will be removing the reels asap. Thanks. Tee Cee.

Tee Cee
The Honourable Crichton Posted - 31/03/2009 : 08:37:02
I mounted the reels on the flat section of the inner wheel arches as close as possible to the shock turret - made my own holes and used re-inforcing plates, then routed the other end through the rear card/cubby to the outer floor fixing.

The belt comes over the top of the rear seat on the curve and under the tonneau without fouling.

Completely clears the soft-top frame/cover and the belt works fine whether the roof is up or down.

The 'official way' seemed a hiding to nothing.

Java is the only way...

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