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 Triumph Stag Help
 Lowered rear suspension problem

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TeeCee Posted - 04/04/2009 : 21:39:58
Gents, I have lowered my car all round by 1", poly bushes, Spax adjustables and running Wolfrace Slots from a Scimitar with 195/70/14. The problem is that the rear wheel on the drivers side is further back than the passengers side and the tyre touches the arch at about ten o clock and the negative camber is a lot worse than the passenger side which does not touch the arch. There are five shims on each side and all the brackets match. Any suggestions what could be wrong?
PS How do you post pictures?

Tee Cee
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stagdad Posted - 12/04/2009 : 23:57:55
Hi Tee Cee,
You should be able to lower the stag by an inch with no problems with the standard wheels so is it that your offset of the new wheels is wrong? are they sticking in to the centre of the car too much and rubbing the inner arch?

Standard hight of stag is 14 1/2 " from centre of wheel to under arch have you checked that it is now 13 1/2"?

If you lower the car you also need to change one of the trailing arm brackets on each side to get the camber right ,have you done that?

Cheers Steve
TeeCee Posted - 05/04/2009 : 01:35:54

This is the side that I am happy with.

Tee Cee

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