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 Rear Seat Belts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mr_Sheen Posted - 11/07/2009 : 08:33:08

the K reg Stag we've got isn't fitted with rear belts. I know they weren't required at the time the thing was built, but my wife (who drives the car most) would like some fitted so the kids are tied down.

I have seen in the Rimmer catalogue that there are rear belt kits. Does anyone know if there are mounting positions already in the car, or will I have to drill and fit plates to attach the belts to?

Its red and it still works...!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TeeCee Posted - 22/07/2009 : 22:08:53
Hi, I fitted rear belts to my car recently. All Stags have mountings for rear lap belts. I have fitted three point to my car which required drilling a hole in the wheel arch. The factory fittings are under the rear seats and behind the cubby panels. I was advised by a forum member to fit the reel to the wheel arch inside the hood well. There are pictures in this forum as I asked this question a few months ago. Good luck.

Tee Cee

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