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 misfire/ running rough when warm

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
524jus Posted - 08/08/2009 : 19:24:43
Hi all, my stag has not been used much lately, i've started using it again, but i've now got a problem. I start it from cold with no problems & it drives no problem. When I turn it off at running temp, & go back while its still warm & start it it runs very rough, sometimes backfires, cuts out etc, basically you can't drive it. Then if you leave it to go cold its fine again!!!!!!
It's got a Newtronic electronic ignition, & i've just fitted a new coil which hasn't cured it. Any ideas anyone?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andykent Posted - 14/08/2009 : 18:31:52
To check which coil you need, take a close look at the wires connected to the coil, if you have a pink wire (this may be very pale becuase of age)that is the ballast wire.
if you havent got a pink wire you will need the ballast resistor, but i would have thought you would notice the seperate resistor as its a big old chunk of metal!!

524jus Posted - 12/08/2009 : 19:22:41
Originally posted by Andykent

me again, must stop hogging this.
I have just looked at the Lucas Sports Coil on the LD PARTS WEB SITE at
they have a bit more info when ordering parts (very usefull), the coil you have purchased will produce @40,000V as opposed to @25,000V for a normal coil.
most HT leads will handle @30,000V when new, they also recommend increasing the gap on the plugs.
hope this helps.


Thanks for all the info Andy, I'll try the weekend, regarding the coil i've since noticed Paddocks do two coils the one I purchased (£14.00) & another 'mega sparkcoil c/w ballast resistor'(£30.00).Do you think I'd be better off with that?

PS I had a look at your pics VERY NICE!

Andykent Posted - 12/08/2009 : 18:02:46
me again, must stop hogging this.
I have just looked at the Lucas Sports Coil on the LD PARTS WEB SITE at
they have a bit more info when ordering parts (very usefull), the coil you have purchased will produce @40,000V as opposed to @25,000V for a normal coil.
most HT leads will handle @30,000V when new, they also recommend increasing the gap on the plugs.
hope this helps.

Andykent Posted - 12/08/2009 : 17:53:06
sorry, forgot to mention Plugs, check they are clean and gapped!

Andykent Posted - 12/08/2009 : 17:51:21
If the coil is from Paddocks its going to be the right one.
If this has only started since fitting Electronic ignition, could be that, but normally, these modules either work or dont work, no in between!

HT leads have a tendancy to start failing, including the king lead between the coil and dizzy.

if its been standing a while, it may be "old petrol" unleaded has a tendancy to "go off", try running a bottle of REDEX through the petrol tank.

another idea is to remove the carbs, on the bench, remove the float chamber and clean all the rubbish out, even though you have a fuel filter, I guaruntee there will be muck in there.

good luck

524jus Posted - 12/08/2009 : 11:33:40
Originally posted by Andykent

I recently had exactly the same Issue.
I replaced tghe coil and this fixed it.
Have you purchased a coil compatible with a ballast resistor type ignition system?


Hi Andy, the coil i've fitted was a lucas sport type from James Paddocks?

Andykent Posted - 11/08/2009 : 18:47:28
I recently had exactly the same Issue.
I replaced tghe coil and this fixed it.
Have you purchased a coil compatible with a ballast resistor type ignition system?


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