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 Triumph Stag Help

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tyburn Posted - 16/08/2009 : 20:53:14
Hello out there,
I’ve got a 74 stag that’s manual with overdrive and the 3.0 V8. The car drives great but I have one recurring problem. Sometimes when I get into the car after it has been sitting for a few day to a week start it up and when I go to put it in gear, it won’t go in. I can turn the car off and put it in gear and start it with the clutch down and it will be fine I can drive off press the clutch down and stop the car without it stalling. The real annoying thing is that I could go to the car the next day and it will all work and drive great or it may not. Just comes and goes.
Has anybody got any ideas or know a good London based mechanic?

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