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 Brake drums getting hot

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
neil1809 Posted - 24/09/2009 : 20:14:08
My Mark 2 Stag brake drums have been getting very warm, especially after a run, even the rear wheels get so hot you cannot touch them.
I first checked that the handbrake wasn't over adjusted, seemed o.k. Then I asked my local garage to check the adjusters and the wheel cylinders, they told me that all was o.k. I decided to take matters into my own hands and I have just changed both wheel cylinders, both brake adjusters, and both rear flexible hoses(Goodridge). This has made a huge difference, the wheels are not getting hot now, but the brake drums are still getting a little warm after a run down the motorway. Is this normal? Could it be that the drums have become oval with age and need changing?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
V Mad Posted - 01/10/2010 : 22:33:58
Jack up the wheels and see if they are free to move. If they are sticking the adjuster assembly may not be correctly fitted.


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