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 MKII Fuel Overflow

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
llee1 Posted - 24/01/2010 : 21:05:15
Hopefully someone can help. My Stag has been laid up for five years. I have decided to get it back on the road and after a few checks the engine fired up okay. I have fuel coming out of the carb air breather. The fuel pump is running all the time. Any ideas if it is the pump or something stuck in the carb. Thanks.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
V Mad Posted - 01/10/2010 : 22:25:49
Yes I agree; float needle valve, typical stromberg problem. Maybe just grit otherwise need new viton tipped valves.

Ash Posted - 27/01/2010 : 18:25:31
Sounds like needle and seat in carbs is stuck or faulty - if they dont seal there is no resistance to fuel pressure from pump and it will keep pushing fuel through. A clean of carbs should cure it.

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