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 Triumph Stag Photos

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lewy Posted - 26/01/2009 : 15:08:19
Just a bit of a request really - We've had a few more members in the last month - I'd like to add a few more photos to the photos page on the main website... I was wondering If those of you that are new to the forum and do have a Stag would like to submit a few for me to use.

The more I put up, the better the search engine results and more traffic... so in the long run... more members to talk to.

Either post them in this thread, or email them to me:
and I'll add them with your name (or forum alias) to the photos page.



The Stag Mad Team
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lewy Posted - 27/01/2009 : 15:59:49
Thanks Shaun, I'll get it up as soon as I can


The Stag Mad Team
sax player Posted - 27/01/2009 : 15:03:46
go ahead with the blog i sent you lewy

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