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 Triumph Stag Parts for Sale/Wanted
 triumph stag parts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tonygp Posted - 05/01/2009 : 23:26:37
hi i have a full stag breaking for bits if anyone is interested or would go again with some patience unfortunatly it has a ford v6 on a stag auto box but it does run
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tonygp Posted - 07/09/2009 : 20:43:24
stag is being broken up now post what you need il see if i can help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is complete minus engine its got a ford v6!!!!
tonygp Posted - 07/09/2009 : 20:41:10
i have a drivers door dont know if its mk1 or mk2 its a bare shell i can post pics it needs a bit of work but will def go again sos dont have a door trim
mlawso16 Posted - 20/07/2009 : 23:36:37
is it a mk1? do you have drivers door? pref complete with light tan door trim a bonus to.

ta marc
dazzer Posted - 20/07/2009 : 22:23:35
Hi Tony

I'm looking for 4/5 Stag steel wheels, any condition.

Wondered if you could help.

Many thanks

07929 800365
happy hippo Posted - 19/05/2009 : 18:59:22
hi tony, did you break the stag? im interested in bits if you did!
tonygp Posted - 07/01/2009 : 18:07:22
the crash pad is very good wood is ok il post pics tomorrow
lewy Posted - 07/01/2009 : 09:52:30
I am needing a dash in mine but after the welding and the respray are done, has it got all the wood as well? the condition of mine is pretty bad I was hoping to recondition it but I know how expensive it can be.


The Stag Mad Team
tonygp Posted - 06/01/2009 : 21:46:23
oh and lewy its got a mint dash!!!!!!
tonygp Posted - 06/01/2009 : 21:33:34
sorry im in north manchester looked at the stag again today to be honest ive seen a lot worse put back on the road depends how brave you are i suppose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lewy Posted - 06/01/2009 : 12:29:20
Where abouts are you Tony?... just so people know.


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