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United Kingdom
5 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2009 :  08:37:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I know this is one of the major questions about the Stag..... but as I said in my intro I'm new to these things so just need a little guidance.

On the drive back from buying it the temperature gauge was running at about 3/4 up to the red line. On the whole it didn't go much further than that unless stationary for a longish time.

I opened the bonnet and the rad didn't feel really hot, just sort of what I would have expected.

Can anyone give me any guidance on if this is "normal" and what I should be thinking about to improve it.

I am going to try some of that "Rad save" stuff which apparently makes water "wetter" for better cooling. Does anyone have any experience of using this?

Its red and it still works...!

Forum Admin

United Kingdom
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Posted - 13/07/2009 :  12:16:17  Show Profile  Visit lewy's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure, My stag has a rover SD1 Engine (at the moment) and a Knowles cooler (which can be switched on if the temps start peaking) I don't think the Rad Save would be a bad idea but I'd wait to see what the stag engine owners say about running hot first.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 13/07/2009 :  22:43:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Its one of those area's that because its reported as a problem with the Stag I am a little concerned about. So to cut a long story short ish, the engine is an original Triumph unit. I have just ordered (isn't Ebay a wonderful thing) a 12" Kenlowe fan.

The plan is to fit this via a relay so that whenever the engine is running it is too. First off this will tell me if its effective and if it is worth putting a thermostat control in the system.

Would welcome any other suggestions though... :)

Its red and it still works...!
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 19/07/2009 :  20:33:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As a mechanic, buy a cheap lazer temp checker and direct it at the top of the rad aand the bottom of the rad, if there is a considerable temp differnce then the rads not too blocked. A simple hose pipe through it would flush it and you should see a difference. Aim the lazer at the area where the sensor is located and note the diffence in reading to the dash it may be the gauge is playing up. I have a Stag and is not modified in the way of Kenlow fans and that stays at 80 deg all the time.
Check the antifreeze level, too little will raise cause the system to run hotter
Check the header tank cap is holdong preesure, more pressure = higher boiling point = lower running temp
check thermostate isn't blocked
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Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 24/07/2009 :  14:51:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well I have now checked out the system, in the end I didn't use a temperature checker as the problem was quite a simple one..... The thermostat didn't open. For the moment I have just removed it from the system and now its running nicely at about halfway across the gauge.

So I am a lot happier about its running now, and thanks for all the advice. :)


Its red and it still works...!
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